Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy: Department of Physics

    Activity: Talks and presentationsGuest lectures, external teaching and course activities at other universities


    In this presentation I will review THz time-domain technologies and spectroscopic methods, including the generation of intense, broadband THz pulses from the nonlinear crystal BNA, and then discuss two studies which illustrate the widely different uses of THz time-domain spectroscopy. I will discuss recent investigations of relaxational dynamics in polar liquids, where the broadband nature of the THz pulses in combination with spectroscopy in the neighboring frequency ranges allows an interesting insight into the connection between the THz-frequency dielectric properties and seemingly unrelated properties such as the viscosity of aqueous solutions. In another study we recently used the broadband nature of the THz pulses for ranging purposes. Intense THz beams are directed towards scale models of aircraft, and with the appropriate calibration the return signal can be converted into the frequency- and angle-resolved Radar Cross Section (RCS) of the aircraft. The time resolution of the return signal allows easy identification of e.g. weaponry attached to the aircraft.
    Period7 May 2010
    Held atBoston University, United States