State-Space Modeling of Loudspeakers Using Fractional Derivatives
Alexander Weider King (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Conference presentations
This work investigates the use of fractional order derivatives in modeling moving-coil loudspeakers. A fractional order state-space solution is developed, leading the way towards incorporating nonlinearities into a fractional order system. The method is used to calculate the response of a fractional harmonic oscillator, representing the mechanical part of a loudspeaker, showing the effect of the fractional derivative and its relationship to viscoelasticity. Finally, a loudspeaker model with a fractional order viscoelastic suspension and fractional order voice coil is fit to measurement data. It is shown that the identified parameters can be used in a linear fractional order state-space model to simulate the loudspeakers’ time domain response.
30 Oct 2015
Event title
139th International Audio Engineering Society (AES) Convention