Regulatory Barriers to Achieving a Meshed Offshore Grid in the Baltic Sea Regarding Country-Individual Transmission Grid Governance

    Activity: Examinations and supervisionSupervisor activities


    Specialkursus-Assessment .

    Meshed electricity grids for offshore-wind connection provide a significant potential for cost savings and network benefits. Its implementation however comes along with a variety of challenges including technical, economic and regulatory aspects. The scope of the proposed special course comprises an analysis of certain aspects of regulatory barriers related to an establishment of such a grid in the Baltic sea. This includes researching and comparing the policy schemes of the countries of interest (Poland, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Finland) and an assessment of related obstacles to achieving a shared offshore electricity system. As these obstacles can be found in a wide range, the analysis is limited to the areas grid development and connection of offshore wind farms, TSO rate-making and relevant points of balancing market design as well as grid codes. The resulting research question is: “What are the policy barriers towards establishing a meshed offshore grid in the Baltic Sea regarding country-individual rules on grid development, offshore wind farm connection, TSO rate-making, balancing market design?”
    Period1 Apr 201830 Jun 2018
    Degree of RecognitionLocal