New developments in Fuga: A linearized solver for wind turbine wakes

Activity: Talks and presentationsConference presentations


Fuga is a linearized CFD-RANS solver for wind turbine wakes, developed by DTU during the last two decades. Fuga is extremely fast compared to normal CFD-RANS simulations, keeping a medium fidelity accuracy which is superior to engineering wake models. We present new developments in this model, which aim to cover more physical aspects of wakes:

- Turbine drag force represented by delta functions: the original Fuga version uses an Actuator Disk Model as a set of Chapeau functions, which, llinearly combined, exert a uniform force over the turbine rotor area. We present a different approach based in a linear combination of delta-like functions, which can extend to non-uniform forcing, accounts for radial dependance of force, as well as wind shear.

- Wake deflection: the formulation of Fuga is not supposed to represent the non-linear effects observed in yaw misalignment. Nevetheless, wake steering can be included using a curvilinear coordinate transformation . Keeping the advantages of the linear solver, this new approach represent the asymetric non-linear effects during wake steering. in a reasonable fashion.
Period23 May 2023
Held atUniversity of Strathclyde, United Kingdom
Degree of RecognitionInternational