Activity: Talks and presentations › Conference presentations
This presentation will first cover a range of partitioning based approaches for organic chemicals: (1) Equilibrium Sampling Devices (ESDs) are based on the non-depletive equilibrium enrichment of target analytes in micrometer thin polymers, which can yield freely dissolved concentrations down to the fg-pg/L range. (2) Sorptive Bioaccessibility Extraction (SBE) and Membrane Enhanced Bioaccessibility Extraction (MEBE) are based on full-depletion sampling at environmentally or physiologically relevant conditions, and can provide improved bioaccessibility measurements. (3) Passive Dosing employs a pre-loaded polymer as a dominant partitioning donor, which can be used to tightly control aqueous concentrations in research and testing. Several case studies will illustrate how such partitioning based approaches can be applied and combined to obtain new research findings and new possibilities in the analytical laboratory.