International Journal of Workplace Health Management (Journal)

    Activity: Editorial work and peer reviewPeer review of manuscriptsResearch


    International Journal of Workplace Health Management (IJWHM) publishes double blind peer-reviewed research and practitioner articles and case studies which identify risks and challenges, best practice and real-life implications for the individual, the employer and public health.

    Coverage includes:
    •Individual health – primary care and prevention, health education and promotion, attitudes, behaviour and lifestyle choice
    •Workplace culture – organizational change, management policies/procedures, employer and employee education, the business case for workplace health promotion, communication and training, how culture affects mental health, violence, stress and work-life balance
    •Physical issues – musculoskeletal health/ergonomics, occupational health and safety, legislation and compliance, disability management, workplace hazards, risk factor modification

    IJWHM is a key resource for public and private organizations, government, researchers, human resources/senior management, unions and those who manage and promote workplace health.
    - See more at:
    Period1 Sept 2015 → …
    Type of journalJournal