CIE TC 2-89: Measurement of Temporal Light Modulation of Light Sources and Lighting Systems (External organisation)

    Activity: MembershipMembership of commitees, commissions, boards, councils, associations, organisations, or similar


    To provide guidance on the measurement of temporal light modulation of light sources and lighting systems. The TC shall first develop a technical note on a measurement protocol that will include recommended measurement conditions and methods to measure waveforms of light (time intervals, duration, bandwidth, photometer requirements, etc.) and frequency-domain power spectra (FFT and other methods) that enable all researchers to report the results with sufficient information of the light investigated in a consistent way. In addition, a technical report shall be developed for the measurement of temporal light modulation of light sources and lighting systems using any existing or new quantities to be developed (i.e. proposed by TC 1-83). Conventional quantities such as modulation depth can also be determined from the measurement data. The TC should analyze the reproducibility and uncertainties related to all quantities.
    Period1 Apr 2018 → …
    Held atCIE TC 2-89: Measurement of Temporal Light Modulation of Light Sources and Lighting Systems, Austria
    Degree of RecognitionInternational