Enhancing Food processing by modelling with Multiphysics

Activity: Talks and presentationsConference presentations


Heat treatment is central in several conventional and emerging food-processing operations to maintain the required quality and safety for consumers. Food process operations such as baking, roasting, drying, etc., and emerging technologies involve multiphysics (e.g., heat transfer coupled with mass transfer, electric field, etc.), multiphase phenomena, and physical or chemical transformations of food material that alter its quality in a desired or undesired way. Understanding and controlling such processes are essential to attaining efficient and sustainable food processing. Digital twins based on mechanistic models can provide smart solutions by obtaining better insights, prediction, optimization, and control of food manufacturing processes.
In this session, we will discuss the development of mechanistic modeling, and how modeling of food using COMSOL Multiphysics® can enhance deep understanding, prediction, and design of food processing to assist the food industry and consumers.
Period6 Oct 2022
Event titleCOMSOL Food Engineering Day
Event typeWorkshop


  • Modelling
  • Heat transfer
  • Mass transfer
  • Food process
  • Multiphysics
  • Food Engineering
  • Optimization,