DIW Berlin - TU Berlin - "Energy and Climate Policy in Mexico – Policy and Research perspectives in the aftermath of National Elections“

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    aftermath of National Elections
    In 2013, the Mexican government launched an ambitious reform package that meant to radically change the face of Mexico’s energy system. Besides reforming the oil and gas sectors, amongst others it also aimed at liberalizing the electricity markets, which had historically been in the hands of the State. As the reforms were implemented, additional goals concerning a clean energy source content in the electricity mix were added. Furthermore, the energy sector reform implies a new level of interactions between energy and climate policy, including challenges for policy integration between the two fields.

    Four years and a polarizing presidential election down the road, this new edition of the BSEC shall allow to take stock on what the impacts of the reform have been, what the implications for clean energy deployment and decarbonization are, and what the perspectives for the new government’s energy and climate policy will be. As an important player and international cooperation partner in the discussion for climate and renewable energy policy in the region, Mexico will be one of the main stages of the struggle for socio-ecologic transformation in Latin America, and thus, this will be one of the `hot´ energy and climate policy issues of the summer.
    Period10 Jul 2018
    Event typeWorkshop
    LocationBerlin, GermanyShow on map
    Degree of RecognitionInternational