Disorientations during plastic deformation and their effect on work-hardening: Seminar at School of Materials Science and Engineering at Chongqing University

    Activity: Talks and presentationsGuest lectures, external teaching and course activities at other universities


    During plastic deformation dislocations gather into dislocation boundaries and orientation differences across the different types of boundaries arise. The evolution of the disorientations observed by TEM - with an initial increase flowed by saturation - is successfully modelled based on dislocation dynamics taking itno account crystalline symmetry. The effect of disorientations on work-hardening is discussed and the characteristic features of the work-hardening stages are predicted in quantitiative agreement with experiment. Finally, direct monitoring of indiviudal subgrains by high angular resolution x-ray diffraction during tensile deformation is presented and the occurence of different elastic back stresses is rationalized in the same manner as the formation of disorientations.
    Period21 Mar 2011
    Held atChongqing University, China