Dimensional accuracy of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene injection molded parts produced in a pilot production with an additively manufactured insert
Ali Davoudinejad (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Conference presentations
Injection molding inserts manufactured additively by vat photopolymerization have become a serious option for significantly faster and more economical prototyping and pilot production due to technological progress and advancements in photopolymer materials in the recent years. 10 000 parts of a geometry including micro-features have been injection-molded in Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) with a single 20x20x2.5 mm^3 injection molding insert manufactured in a photopolymer composite material. This research investigates the dimensional accuracy of the injection molded parts as a function of inserts wearing and deformation with increasing shot number.
12 Dec 2017
Event title
33rd Annual Meeting of the Polymer Processing Society (PPS33)