Connect! European Moldflow User Meeting 2015

  • David Maximilian Marhöfer (Speaker)

    Activity: Talks and presentationsConference presentations


    Title: Implementation and application of material models in injection molding simulations using powder feedstocks Abstract: Extensive material characterization was conducted for metallic and ceramic powder feedstocks which can be used for precision powder injection molding. The collected data was used as a basis for the implementation of material models of feedstocks in the database of the Autodesk Moldflow® simulation software. The necessary data and its acquirement such as rheological and pVT measurements as well as steps of the implementation process (i.e. data fitting in order to create material models for new materials) are presented. The resulting material models can be directly imported to Autodesk Moldflow and they are applied to the simulation of a spiral test part. Simulations with the newly created material models were successfully completed and the applicability of process simulations on parts produced by powder injection molding is demonstrated. The simulations comprise furthermore differently advanced models in order to investigate the influence of the model complexity on the simulation results accuracy. Finally, simulation predictions in terms of flow front pattern and process outputs parameters are compared with experimental results from short shots studies and process monitoring by cavity sensors.
    Period23 Jun 2015
    Event titleConnect! European Moldflow User Meeting 2015
    Event typeConference
    LocationFrankfurt am Main, Germany, HesseShow on map