2019 STAMP Workshop

  • Daniel Alberto Sepúlveda Estay (Speaker)
  • Nancy Leveson (Speaker)
  • John Thomas (Lecturer)
  • Rishikesh Sahay (Speaker)

Activity: Talks and presentationsConference presentations


MIT STAMP/STPA Workshop took place during March 25-29, 2019 in Cambridge, MA, USA.

STAMP is an accident causality model based on systems theory and systems thinking. STAMP integrates into engineering analysis the causal factors in our increasingly complex systems such as software, human-decision making and human factors, new technology, social and organizational design, and safety culture.

STPA is a powerful new hazard analysis technique based on STAMP while CAST is the equivalent for accident/incident analysis. These tools are now used globally in almost every industry. Newer tools, such of those for doing early concept analysis (STECA) security analysis (STPA-Sec) and leading indicators have been developed. This free workshop will provide attendees with the opportunity to learn how to use these new tools, to meet with users and to hear about applications, evaluations, and the latest developments in this powerful new approach to system safety engineering and to cyber security.
Period25 Mar 201929 Mar 2019
Held atMassachusetts Institute of Technology, United States, Massachusetts
Degree of RecognitionInternational